Microlight Flying Training at Carlisle Lake District Airport
British Microlight Aircraft Association Senior Aircraft Inspector:
Permit to fly revalidation - Amateur built aircraft stage inspections - Oversight of modifications and repairs - Aircraft weighing - Audits - Representation - Assessments - Apprenticeships - Knowledge base input
Light Aircraft Association Aircraft Inspector:
Permit to fly revalidation - Amateur built aircraft stage inspections - Oversight of modifications and repairs - Aircraft weighing - Knowledge base input
CAA Ground and Revalidation Examiner for Microlight PPL / NPPL (Aeroplanes) Ground lecturer / examiner UK NPPL
Microlight exam subjects: Air Law - Human Performance and Limitations - Aeroplanes Technical - Navigation - Meteorology
CAA Fixed and Flex Wing Flying Instructor / Renewal 2022
Print magazine and digital media support:
But now you fancy trying something much "safer" but equaly exciting:
You've found it "Microlight Flying"
We're often asked, what exactly is a Microlight? Maybe not what you think, we say! Yes, we do still fly some very simple low cost aircraft that you'd recognise as a Microlight, but many of today's Microlight Pilots also fly advanced aircraft that can cost tens of thousands, many of which look like and are in fact "light sport aircraft".
Contact us to find out more about learning to fly a fixed or flexwing microlight aircraft at Carlisle Lake District Airport.
Cumbria Aviation Ltd is able to deliver a range of professional management services primarily to support business development and growth, particularly for airfield sites suitable for Light Sport Aviation and Microlight Aircraft Operations.
We also provide professional support and advice for aircraft distribution, disposal and valuations.